by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
This is the third and final page of a longer article about the Road to Spider Rock. If you’d like to begin at the beginning, click the button to return to Page 1: Click to return to Page 1 UPDATE: SEPTEMBER, 2024: White House Overlook and Trail to reopen in...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
Canyon de Chelly: Riding the Rainbow to the Universe: The Legend of Spider Woman Spider Rock from below, with my black Jeep at lower left for scale. This is the second page of a longer article about the Road to Spider Rock. If you’d like to begin at the...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
The twin pillars of Spider Rock were left behind, like a pair of stubborn hold-outs, when everything else around them slowly weathered away. Technically, they are the last remnant of the geological process that created this part of Canyon de Chelly, but that’s...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
This is the fifth and final page of a longer article about Canyon del Muerto. If you’d like to begin at the beginning, click the button to return to Page 1: Click to return to Page 1 A couple of miles further along, the floor of the canyon widened significantly,...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
This is the fourth page of a longer article about Canyon del Muerto. If you’d like to begin at the beginning, click the button to return to Page 1: Click to return to Page 1 Click Photos to expand images to full screen After our long, leisurely break, parked by...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
This is the third page of a longer article about Canyon del Muerto. If you’d like to begin at the beginning, click the button to return to Page 1: Click to return to Page 1 The canyon was quite lovely in this area. Wind-sculpted sandstone cliffs rising eighty to...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
This is the second page of a longer article about Canyon del Muerto. If you’d like to begin at the beginning, click the button to return to Page 1: Click to return to Page 1 We drove another mile or so, traveling slowly. The canyon would widen for a bit, and...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
Famed photographer Ansel Adams once described Canyon de Chelly as the most beautiful place on earth. After his first visit to the area in 1937, he wrote to his wife Virginia, that “The Canyon de Chelly exceeds anything I have imagined at any time!” And he was...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
This is the fifth and final page of a longer article about Canyon de Chelly. If you’d like to begin at the beginning, click the button to return to Page 1: Click to return to Page 1 CASTLES IN CAVES IN THE CLIFFS! (OH, MY!) Click any photo to expand the image to...
by Richard Quinn | Dec 2, 2023 | Travel, Tribal Lands
This is the fourth page of a longer article about Canyon de Chelly. If you’d like to begin at the beginning, click the button to return to Page 1: Click to return to Page 1 Click any photo to expand the images to full-screen. DUCK ROCK We got back in my Jeep and...
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